Chemical Ordering Instructions

UNH Chemical Ordering Instructions

Orders for all hazardous chemicals and regulated biological agents 应该运到EH所在的化学中转站&美国将对化学品容器进行条码处理,并为联合国化学品管理中心®化学品库存管理方案收集相关信息.  EH&S将尝试在收到化学转运站收到的所有包裹的当天将其送达最终用户.  

在订购新化学品之前, 请查阅联合国化学品管理系统®的剩余化学品清单,该化学品可以免费获得:
( )

Generally speaking, containers should be sent to the EH&S Chemical Transfer Station if:

  • Safety Data Sheet lists hazards in Section 2; or
  • C容器标签上显示危险象形图  

Orders for Chemistry Department

Heavy Materials/Packages Handling
重量超过75磅(34公斤)的单个容器和包裹需要特别安排,不得送往化学品转运站.  安排将物品直接运送到实验室,然后通知  603-862-4041安排将材料打上条形码.

Ethanol for Laboratories
Researchers are authorized the purchase ethanol from any vendor.  然而,UNH设施仓库建议订购 ethanol through Fisher Scientific (using UShop),因为他们为UNH Research的客户安排了优惠的费率.  To place an ethanol order through Fisher Scientific (in UShop),使用UNH设施和Fisher成本报价# 2084-0017-05用于以下列出的产品:

ALL orders of Ethanol MUST be Shipped to:
            6 Leavitt Lane
            Durham New Hampshire 03824
            Attn: [Your Name; Building; and Room Number]

注:集装箱装运至莱维特巷6号 is only for ethanol 是新罕布什尔州酒类执照委员会的要求, 其他化学品都被运到莱维特街11号

与UNH设施仓库工作人员Ray Benedict或Robert Oelschlager联系有关乙醇订单的问题, below:

Ray Benedict (; or
Robert Oelschlager (


Ordering through USHOP
许多供应商(Fisher Scientific, Sigma, VWR等).)通过USHOP门户网站直接链接到UNH帐户. 


[Your Name, Building and Room #]
UNH Chemical Transfer Station
11 Leavitt Lane
Perpetuity Hall
Durham, NH 03824


Account code: 711200; Research Supplies
Commodity code: SUPRS003; Supplies – Research – Chems inc. Bio, Gaseous Matl

For 更多永利app新版本官网地址如何通过UShop的供应商下订单的信息,请访问 USNH Procurement Office SharePoint site.

Ordering with a PCard

[Your Name, Building and Room #]
UNH Chemical Transfer Station
11 Leavitt Lane
Perpetuity Hall
Durham, NH 03824

如果您对订购化学品有任何疑问,请拨打603-862-2571与Tom Fenton联系.

View Chemical Safety Knowledge Base

The Knowledge Base contains forms, instruction and training material, minutes, policies, 工具和其他资源,以支持您的研究工作的主题领域.

contact information

Kristin Blackwell
Environmental Health & Safety
Perpetuity Hall, Room 123
Phone: (603) 862-1491